EcoChem’s High-Performance Clean Diesel Fuel (HPCD) is the result of a unique combination of proprietary and patented processes that work together to guarantee exceptional quality and performance. This highly effective process is specifically engineered to tackle fuel quality issues, combat degraded and contaminated fuel adhering to the strict OEM fuel quality standards.

Integrating ultra-fine filtration, magnetic treatment, and multifunctional additives into a comprehensive fuel treatment protocol offers a profitable approach for improving energy efficiency and carbon footprint.

Ultra-fine filtration

The removal of contaminants and water through ultra-fine filtration ensures that the fuel’s properties are optimized for combustion, reducing wastage and maximizing energy output.

Gauss field treatment

Gauss field treatment influences the fuel’s structure, leading to improved atomization and better combustion performance.


Multifunctional additives

Multifunctional additives enhance various fuel properties, such as stability, lubricity, solvency, and protection against bio-contaminants, further improving fuel efficiency and extending engine lifespan.

    HPCD     *      Clean Fuels For Schools Initiative     *    Ohio EPA

Maximize your diesel engine’s potential with EcoChem’s comprehensive fuel treatment protocol, generating High Performance Clean Diesel (HPCD) – an advanced solution that optimizes fuel combustion, reduces engine wear, and contributes to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

What Can HPCD® Do For You?

HPCD (High Performance Clean Diesel) is a premium diesel fuel developed by EcoChem that has been  re-refined, stabilized & reformulated OEM compliant #2 diesel fuel.

HPCD is the only diesel that undergoes EcoChem’s patented fuel treatment protocol that reverses fuel degradation and exceeds ISO & OEM fuel quality target ratings

After 15 years of testing and use, HPCD has proven to provide up to an +10% average better fuel economy, significantly reduce emissions, lower maintenance costs through extended component life, and eliminate issues from conventional fuel contamination.

Today’s low-emission engines have very narrow tolerances. Even minute dirt or degraded fuel structures can impair complex injection systems and aftertreatment. HPCD is formulated to keep engines operating as designed.

Yes, HPCD exceeds the fuel quality requirements for all diesel manufacturers, both old and new technology models, including those with advanced emissions controls. It can safely be used in any diesel application.

Pricing varies by quantity & region but on average HPCD costs $0.25 to $0.50/gallon more than conventional #2 diesel. This premium is offset by lower operating costs.

  • Faster Cold Starts
  • Lower Exhaust Gas Temperature
  • Up to 30%-50% More Lubricity than ULSD
  • Averages range between 10% – 15% more horsepower and/or increased MPG
  • Cleans, protects and extends life of vital equipment Parts
  • Stable up to 6X Longer than standard ULSD
  • Reduces Crankcase Contamination
  • Lowers maintenance cost
  • Extends equipment life
  • Less Pollution

HPCD is available now in bulk quantities and onsite processing of your stored fuel.

Contact us directly at 614-764-3835

To get started with your free tank inspection, Click here

Capability Statement

Technical Overview

By adopting this comprehensive approach to fuel treatment, we can strive towards a greener and more sustainable future. The potential benefits of increased fuel efficiency include reduced carbon emissions, lower fuel costs, and a positive impact on the environment.


Before and After

Before After

150 X Microscope

Before After

    Press Release EcoChem - Obama 2015 version 2 copy

  • The HPCD® Smart Fuel & Fleet Station™ from EcoChem/High Performance Innovations Modernizes Fueling Infrastructures & Improves Fleet Management

    The HPCD® Smart Fuel & Fleet Station™ from EcoChem/High Performance Innovations Modernizes Fueling Infrastructures & Improves Fleet Management (DUBLIN, OH—April 9, 2018) – EcoChem – HPI (High Performance Innovations) of Dublin, Ohio introduces its patented HPCD® Smart Fuel & Fleet Station™ for helping school districts and municipalities modernize their fueling infrastructure. The system includes fuel storage, pumps, and intuitive fuel and fleet management software that connect vehicle data with fuel consumption, an analytics dashboard and [...]

  • Ohio Communities Going Back to School with Cleaner, Safer School Bus Air for Children Thanks to High Performance Clean Diesel Fuel (HPCD) from EcoChem Alternative Fuels

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  • EcoChem Feature Innovation Spotlight in Columbus CEO Magazine

    Dublin company produces a cleaner diesel that also improves miles per gallon. Anyone who has driven behind a dump truck or school bus knows the black cloud of soot that periodically comes out of the tailpipe. Dublin-based EcoChem Alternative Fuels believes they have found a solution, and it doesn’t involve bio-anything: high performance clean diesel fuel, or HPCD, which also forms part of their website name. “What are we doing today to modernize our current [...]

  • Local School Districts and Transportation Leaders Meet at CDME for CFFS Event

    Posted: July 20, 2016 The Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence at The Ohio State University, held the Clean Fuels for Cities and Schools event on Wednesday, July 20th. Representatives from local school districts and city transportation centers attended to learn how HPCD fuel technology can benefit their school districts and cities. Throughout the event, invitees networked, learned about fuel quality and contamination, learned about the Clean Fuels initiative, and saw a high performance clean [...]

  • Twinsburg City Schools sees improvements with Clean Fuels For Schools

    Improvements the Twinsburg City School District bus fleet experienced using HPCD, high performance clean diesel, was enough for the district's transportation department to graciously host a lunch program by Clean Fuels for Schools that introduced the green technology to some of its peers. Representatives from Bedford Heights, Shaker Heights, Streetsboro and East Cleveland were on hand to hear of the 14 percent MPG improvement Twinsburg has enjoyed since becoming a Clean Fuels for Schools participant. [...]

  • Press release May 13, 2016 MITEC

    At EcoChem and through the Clean Fuels for Schools initiative, we've been advocating the benefits of advanced energy technology like our HPCD fuel that will improve our communities and environment. So you can imagine our excitement when our president, Joshua Koch, was invited to participate in a conference where the U.S. Departments of Energy and Commerce announced a pilot program that initially will make the federal agencies' experts and resources more accessible to Ohio's small [...]

  • Revere school buses go greener, cleaner

    District using new technology to cut its carbon footprint Welcome Revere Local Schools to the growing number of Ohio school districts that are part of our Clean Fuels for Schools initiative. By taking that step, the district is making the conscious, environmental choice to improve the performance of their bus fleets and cut the amount of pollutants reaching their neighborhoods. This Summit County district switched its bus fuel to HPCD, a high performance clean diesel [...]

  • School districts saving money and going green

    Posted: Monday, April 20th 2015, 5:33 pm EDT Updated: Monday, April 20th 2015, 7:53 pm EDT By Brian Duffy, Cleveland 19 This MorningCONNECT Posted by Cleveland 19 Digital Team Cleveland 19 News Cleveland, OH BEREA, OH (WOIO) - Some local schools are turning to a new fuel refining process for their buses, to save money and help the environment. A piece of equipment called a "mobile refining unit" was recently parked in the lot of [...]

  • Ohio Schools Council Vendor Fair

    Talking about fuel might be the quickest way to kill a dinner party, but when you're among friends, the conversation is always robust. That's what we at HPCD found May 12 at a vendor fair in Westlake and sponsored by the Ohio Schools Council. The fair is a great event with lots of great discussion topics and interesting companies and the products and services they provide. For us, it was a chance to reconnect with [...]

  • President Barack Obama Visits EcoChem Alternative Fuels

    EcoChem Presented Its Patent Pending Technology HPCD And The Clean Fuels For Schools Initiative To President Barack Obama CLEVELAND, Ohio March 18, 2015 -- EcoChem Alternative Fuels, a Dublin Ohio based company, presented their patent pending technology, High Performance Clean Diesel (HPCD) to President Barack Obama today, courtesy of the Cleveland based company, MAGNET. President Obama visited the Cleveland Convention Center today to speak of "Middle-Class Economics", to address his budget proposal, and other topics [...]

  • Twinsburg City Schools aim to reduce carbon footprint

    By Emily Moran | reporter Published: April 15, 2015 12:00AM Twinsburg Looking to lower its carbon footprint and save thousands in gas costs, the school district has approved an agreement with EcoChem Alternative Fuels that will convert commercial grade diesel into a more efficient, low ­emission diesel fuel. The new fuel, known as High Performance Clean Diesel, will be put into the 41 buses of its transportation fleet, and is expected to save the district [...]

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