
Twinsburg City Schools sees improvements with Clean Fuels For Schools

Improvements the Twinsburg City School District bus fleet experienced using HPCD, high performance clean diesel, was enough for the district's transportation department to graciously host a lunch program by Clean Fuels for Schools that introduced the green technology to some of its peers. Representatives from Bedford Heights, Shaker Heights, Streetsboro and East Cleveland were on [...]

By |2017-08-16T16:03:34-04:00June 17th, 2016|Clean Fuels For Schools, Events, HPCD Fuel, Media, News, Results|0 Comments

Revere school buses go greener, cleaner

District using new technology to cut its carbon footprint Welcome Revere Local Schools to the growing number of Ohio school districts that are part of our Clean Fuels for Schools initiative. By taking that step, the district is making the conscious, environmental choice to improve the performance of their bus fleets and cut the amount [...]

By |2016-06-17T18:44:03-04:00May 30th, 2016|Clean Fuels For Schools, Media, News, Results|0 Comments
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